Instrumental Analysis of Rusts

Masahiro Seo
1977 Corrosion engineering digest  
Analysis), APS (Appearance potential Spectroscopy) and ISS (Ion Scattering Spectroscopy) etc. have been developed as powerful tools of the surface analysis of solids. The use of these new methods for analyses of rusts on metallic materials will throw light into the details of corrosion phenomena. This article described the methods for quantitative analyses of rusts, particularly by means of AES with aid of standard materials such as pure metal and metal oxide, and the analytical results of
more » ... ve films on Fe-Cr alloy were discussed as typical examples. Finally, it was pointed out that these methods were not always almighty and should be used in parallel with other conventional methods.
doi:10.3323/jcorr1974.26.6_327 fatcat:e77eo352wvevtiyjqyht3pig7y