First record of Trichiurus sp. 2 sensu Nakabo (2000) from Osaka Bay, Japan

Yuki Kimura, Shoko Matsui
2022 Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan  
A single specimen of Trichiurus sp. 2 sensu Nakabo (2000) was collected from Osaka Bay, Japan, in December 2021. In Japanese waters, Trichiurus sp. 2 has been recorded from Tokyo and Sagami bays, Wakayama Prefecture to Kyushu, and the Ryukyu Islands. Thus, the present specimen, described herein detail, represents the first record of the species from Osaka Bay.
doi:10.34583/ichthy.17.0_16 fatcat:rhosyuhzejdgfdeut4vd6f4fxu