Reversible data hiding

M.U. Celik, G. Sharma, A.M. Tekalp, E. Saber
Proceedings. International Conference on Image Processing  
We present a novel reversible (lossless) data hiding (embedding) technique, which enables the exact recovery of the original host signal upon extraction of the embedded information. A generalization of the well-known LSB (least significant bit) modification is proposed as the data embedding method, which introduces additional operating points on the capacity-distortion curve. Lossless recovery of the original is achieved by compressing portions of the signal that are susceptible to embedding
more » ... tortion, and transmitting these compressed descriptions as a part of the embedded payload. A prediction-based conditional entropy coder which utilizes static portions of the host as side-information improves the compression efficiency, and thus the lossless data embedding capacity. ¥
doi:10.1109/icip.2002.1039911 dblp:conf/icip/CelikSST02 fatcat:ebew754jj5funjekfwfumobzgi