Lucian Szmyd, Warren R. Hester
1963 unpublished
The SAM Contourator, model B, was used to evaluate dimensional changes of the residual ridge mucosa following the extraction of the maxillary second molar on two subjects. An electronic curve-following device was employed to measure the changes in mucosal topography. The combined contourator -curve-follower error was determined and found to be area dependent. The mesial migration of the maxillary third molar after the extraction of the adj -•ent maxillary molar had little effect on contour
more » ... es in the vertical plane. In the horizontal plane, however, movement of the adjacent molar into the extraction site reduced the loss in residual ridge topography. This technical documentary report has been reviewed and is approved. 4ýBETBPAYNEJ Colonel, USAF, MSC Chief, Operations Division iii SURFACE CONTOUR C(A16ES AFTER TOOTH EXTRACTION
doi:10.21236/ad0403650 fatcat:635wtvemezaapamescmt7kmqm4