Resonant opto-mechanical modulators and switches by femtosecond laser micromachining

Michele Spagnolo, Riccardo Motta, Roberto Memeo, Francesco Pellegatta, Andrea Crespi, Roberto Osellame
2020 Optics Express  
In this work we demonstrate novel integrated-optics modulators and switches, realized in a glass substrate by femtosecond laser pulses. These devices are based on oscillating microcantilevers, machined by water-assisted laser ablation. Single-mode optical waveguides are laser-inscribed inside the cantilever beam and continue in the substrate beyond the cantilever's tip. By exciting the resonant oscillation of the mechanical structure, coupling between the waveguide segments is varied in time.
more » ... eration frequencies are in the range of tens of kilohertz, thus they markedly overcome the response-time limitation of other glass-based modulators, which rely on the thermo-optic effect. These components may be integrated in more complex waveguide circuits or optofluidic lab-on-chips, to provide periodic and high-frequency modulation of the optical signals.
doi:10.1364/oe.396513 pmid:32752314 fatcat:452ptalmejgkzjkrddo6pmwawy