Influence of Leader Orientation, Working Spirit and Working Environment against Employee Performance in Hospital Pertamina Pangkalan Brandan

2020 Zenodo  
The purpose of this study was to test and know more clearly how the influence of orientation leaders, morale, and the environment on the performance employee. The problem is that the author adopted, namely: whether orientation leaders, morale and working environment have a significant effect simultaneously and partially on the performance of employees Hospital Pertamina Pangkalan Brandan. This study uses a quantitative method involving 70 respondents. Collecting data is done using
more » ... division. The acquired data was analyzed using statistical formulas, using multiple linear regression analysis performed with SPSS version 23 program. Results of regression analysis as follows: Y = 2.861 + 0.308 X1 + 0.120 X2 + 0.446 + ε Variable orientation of leaders has the greatest influence on the performance of employees 0.342. The results of the analysis using the coefficient of determination is known that 76.2% of the employee's performance variation can be explained by the orientation leaders, morale and working environment at the 0.05% level of confidence. While the remaining 23.8% is explained by other variables not included in this study. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that partial orientation leaders have significant influence on employee performance. The test results simultaneously show the orientation leaders, morale and working environment has a significant influence on employee performance.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3980513 fatcat:vo5eribwwnarfjj3nbvq234dma