植物の繁殖に関わる生物間相互作用 : ヤブツバキとメジロが三宅島の森林生態系回復に果たす役割(<特集>三宅島2000年噴火後の生態系の回復過程-巨大噴火に対する陸上生態系の応答-)
Plant-animal interactions controlling plant reproductive success in forest recovery process on Miyake-jima Island : The role of the association of Camellia japonica and Zosterops japonica(Process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island-Response of terrestrial ecosystem to the large eruption-)

Harue Abe, Masami Hasegawa
2011 Nihon Seitai Gakkaishi  
doi:10.18960/seitai.61.2_185 fatcat:6djyxt7d3vhoxlidfy57pjzljq