Preventing aggression in persons with dementia

Vi T Nguyen, Almer Ray Love, Mark E Kunik
2008 Geriatrics  
Persons with dementia often present with non-cognitive clinical symptoms, such as aggression, which can be distressing and dangerous to both caregiver and patient. Depression, pain, caregiver burden, and the quality of the caregiver-patient relationship can contribute to the onset of aggression. Given the risks involved with medication, there is a strong need for preventive and nonpharmacological interventions before such behaviors occur. This article gives practical recommendations for primary
more » ... care physicians on how to prevent aggression in dementia patients by screening for and treating predictive factors. Clinically useful assessment instruments and treatment options are discussed, in addition to referral sources.
pmid:18998764 fatcat:p3mc6a73xbelndumvpygveums4