The Right to Food is Clearly Stipulated in International Human Rights Law: A Number of Challenges Have Riddled Its Enjoyment in Uganda

Witness Nabalende
2020 International Journal of Business and Social Science  
The Right to Food has been accorded universal recognition as a human right and is reflected in several international and Regional instruments to which Uganda is signatory. Under the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, the right to food is defined as a principle of state policy. More so, several legislations have been enacted to provide for the right though not explicitly. Also, policies such as the Uganda Food and Nutrition Policy (UFNP) which is based on human rights principles was
more » ... pted. In-spite of the commitment to end hunger and malnutrition through legal and policy frameworks, the percentage of the undernourished in Uganda is estimated at 19% and the mortality rate at 141 per 1000 live births of which more than one-third is malnutrition related. These statistics clearly indicate that challenges still exist that prevent full enjoyment of the right to food in Uganda. It is therefore suggested that in order to realise the right to food there must be a law specifically providing for the right. More so it is believed that achieving food security for all demands the engagement of all stakeholders that is, government, civil society and independent monitoring institutions since they all have an important role to play in ensuring the progressive realisation of the right to food. For it is only when this is done that Ugandans will enjoy the right to food.
doi:10.30845/ijbss.v11n3a13 fatcat:cfdzr4lpuvdjdhllnhrwxqz2li