Water quality assessment and physicochemical parameters of groundwater in District Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Udit Mohan, Randhir Singh, Prem Singh
2013 Environment conservation journal  
The present study investigation of the ground water contamination of Hapur district (U.P.), India has been carried out. The ground water samples were collected from different locations from hand pumps mark II in Hapur district.Water Quality Index (WQI) of drinking water has been assessed by using various physicochemical & biological parameters for the ground wateranalysis. Water samples were analysed using various physicochemical and biological parameters such as pH, Electrical Conductivity,
more » ... al Dissolved Solid, Total Hardness, Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate, Sulphate, Total Acidity, Total Alkalinity, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Dissolved Oxygen (DO)etc. and the results compared with the standards given by WHO, ICMR and BISThe correlation between different parameters was also assessed. The average values of physicochemical and biological parameters were observed as pH 7.86, Electrical conductivity 1206.67mmhos/cm, TH 734.17 mg/l, acidity 352.08 mg/l, total alkalinity 464.17 mg/l, TDS 645.17 mg/l, chloride 85.50mg/l, fluoride 0.77 mg/l, nitrate 45.99 mg/l, sulphate 160.39 mg/l, COD 12.79 mg/l, DO 4.08 mg/l and BOD 1.99 mg/l respectively. The WQI of different blocks of district Hapur reveals that the water quality is poor for drinking and other activities.
doi:10.36953/ecj.2013.14324 fatcat:xct3ij7ybjb65hn4s4cnrjpive