The Influence of Natural and Synthetic Fibre Reinforcement on Wood-Gypsum Composites

Rodríguez-Liñán Carmen, Morales-Conde María J., Rubio-De-Hita P., Pérez-Gálvez F., Pedreño-Rojas Manuel A.
2017 Open Construction & Building Technology Journal  
This paper studies the influence of natural and synthetic fibres on the mechanical behaviour of recycled wood-gypsum composites. These composites of wood waste, such as wood shavings and sawdust, were tested using different proportions of each type of recycled wood. The fibres used, straw as a natural fibre and glass fibre as a synthetic fibre, were analysed in two different proportions.
doi:10.2174/1874836801711010350 fatcat:rw2wwupqd5fv7m4x3tkck7ac4m