Energy-efficient installations of multi-zone multi-frequency induction heating of steel billets for large deformation

V I Lusgin, I E Lopatin, E P Shalina, A Y Petrov, S M Fatkhullin, I G Alekseev
2020 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
This article discusses the basic construction principles of the device for multi-zone induction heating. The mathematical model of a cascade inverter is described. Various modes of heating cylindrical billets are considered depending on the ratio of powers in the heating zones and current frequencies in the inductors. The indicators of heating uniformity over the cross section and energy efficiency are studied. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is drawn about the optimal choice of the
more » ... ber of heating zones, frequencies of inductors and heating modes.
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/950/1/012009 fatcat:mlm5vmb57nfwnplnuzy7jmntji