Dynamic light scattering from acoustic modes in single-walled carbon nanotubes

C.E. Bottani, A. Li Bassi, M.G. Beghi, A. Podestà, P. Milani, A. Zakhidov, R. Baughman, D.A. Walters, R.E. Smalley
2003 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
We report here the computation and measurement of inelastic light scattering from acoustic vibrational modes in single-walled carbon nanotubes ͑SWNT's͒. The measurement was made possible by the preparation of a sample of oriented SWNT's, partially aligned by means of a magnetic field. Long-wavelength confined longitudinal acoustic modes are described by a shell model. Their interaction with light is described by a surface elasto-optic effect. From the dispersion relations of acoustic modes we
more » ... tain an estimate of the two-dimensional Young's modulus of the single curved graphenic plane forming the SWNT. The result is consistent with the reported SWNT elastic properties.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.67.155407 fatcat:hk5ax4recndohaqpjuoxjzx4ae