Five-dimensional PPN formalism and experimental test of Kaluza–Klein theory

Peng Xu, Yongge Ma
2007 Physics Letters B  
The parametrized post Newtonian formalism for 5-dimensional metric theories with a compact extra dimension is developed. The relation of the 5-dimensional and 4-dimensional formulations is then analyzed, in order to compare the higher dimensional theories of gravity with experiments. It turns out that the value of post Newtonian parameter γ in the reduced 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory is two times smaller than that in 4-dimensional general relativity. The departure is due to the existence
more » ... an extra dimension in the Kaluza-Klein theory. Thus the confrontation between the reduced 4-dimensional formalism and Solar system experiments raises a severe challenge to the classical Kaluza-Klein theory.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2007.09.035 fatcat:y6coxm6c2jgatopdct2gcca7oq