Diversity Management in Academic Business Venturing: Empirical Evidences from Italian Universities

Mauro Sciarelli, Giovanni Landi, Lorenzo Turriziani, Mario Tani
2019 International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences  
Academic management could be seen as a significant factor in exploiting university intellectual property through a business venture. Although several studies recognized entrepreneurial abilities and skills as key drivers of start-up economic success in high-technology sectors, only a few of them focused on academic start-ups performance considering the top management composition. Accordingly, the aim of this work was to investigate the impact of diversity management on academic start-ups
more » ... al performance, focusing on academic members in board of directors from a resource-based perspective. In particular, we carried out a cross-sectional analysis bordering our study to 136 university spin-offs established in southern Italy. Our findings showed that diversity management in academic business venturing increases the economic performance of university spinoffs. Specifically, a well-diversified academic top management according to functional diversity as well as academic position impacts positively on academic start-ups economic growth while scientific background heterogeneity seems to lower the economic performance.
doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v9-i3/5627 fatcat:y3pf36ec3fhqldmlu52gdnjxby