Estrogen Therapy in Menopausal Women: No Effect on Cognition?

Paola Rossi
2016 Journal of Women's Health Care  
Journal of Women's Health Care is a peer reviewed open access journal that publishes original researches and reviews related to Women's Health Care. Open Access option allows meeting the needs of authors by maximizing visibility onhealth and healthcare to adolescent girls and women, with focus on the prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases. The majority of women experience some symptoms of menopause of varying severity, such as hot flushes, vaginal symptoms, night sweats and insomnia.
more » ... or ameliorating menopausal symptoms hormone therapy (HT) is the most effective options. The early observational studies reported supplementary health gains with HT, such as decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and hip fracture.
doi:10.4172/2167-0420.1000e117 fatcat:nectko3ir5bxrfdzy7jwqmhabq