Characterization of High Numerical Aperture Multilayer Laue Lenses

Kevin T. Murray, Andrew J. Morgan, Mauro Prasciolu, Istvan Mohacsi, Henry N. Chapman, Saša Bajt
2018 Microscopy and Microanalysis  
Very bright and coherent x-ray sources combined with efficient and high resolution x-ray optics enable imaging and spectroscopy of samples (e.g. biological specimens, functional materials and nanodevices) with unprecedented accuracy. Theoretical simulations have shown that sub-nanometer resolution is possible for perfect multilayer Laue lenses [1] and recent experimental results demonstrated sub-10 nm resolution with high focusing efficiency [2]. However, making perfect lenses is very
more » ... g since layer thickness errors of even a fraction of an ångstrom already significantly broaden the focus. To achieve diffraction limited focusing it is therefore of utmost importance to characterize lens aberrations and correct them.
doi:10.1017/s1431927618013740 fatcat:5j6wfl35kraqfc2brs6ngpu5m4