Phytochemical Studies On The Methanolic Extract Of Calotropis Gigantea Leaves

Sachin S, Asha Rani, Nagarathna Amresh, Murugan Rajadurai, *Balasubramanian Sathyamurthy
2018 Zenodo  
Calotropis gigantea is a plant of herbal importance which belongs to Apocynaceae family because of its large industrial uses and economic values. Different parts of the plant have immense potential to cure various diseases and disorders like asthma, cold, epilepsy, fever, indigestion, leprosy, piles, skin diseases etc. So, in order to understand their pharmacological action, there is a need to scientifically evaluate them at molecular and biochemical level. Our study is formulated to identify
more » ... e phytochemicals present in the methanolic l extract of Calotropis gigantea leaves through GCMS analysis. The GC-MS chromatogram of methanolic extract of leaves identified nearly 160 compounds and the selected phytochemicals are deteriquantified such as carbohydrates (400 mg/ml), proteins (16 mg/ml), Polyphenols (101.39 mg/ml) and antioxidants (2 mg/ml) are determined using spectrophotometer. By FTIR analysis we can conclude that the caloptropis methanolic l extract is rich in amines and C = O groups. Key words: GCMS, free radical, FTIR, polyphenols, amines
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1307381 fatcat:n76d65rjnfagxfh6r2664iuwma