Problems, challenges, trends and prospects for Special Education for talented children

Esther Antequera-Manotas, Omar Cortés-Peña
2016 unpublished
The purpose of this paper is develop a documental review about the problem, needs, challenges and prospects of the models of Special Education for talented children. To this end, various studies associated with contemporary problems and challenges that must take special education from a meta-analytic perspective were reviewed. From systematic review of the different studies were identified three types of contemporary approach in Special Education models: a) models oriented toward the active and
more » ... personalized classroom, b) models focused on maximizing in the achievement of the standards and the development of skills and competencies, and c) models that articulate the use of information and communication technologies with the research training, sport and cultural activities, and artistic production. The findings from this review are focused on the need to design a curriculum educational model tailored to the needs of special education and personalized children according to their abilities and skills, promoting their integral development and the gradual building their life projects, ensuring their wellbeing and quality of life.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2016.11.88 fatcat:gpxglhi3yff3noppwihzg55b54