Landuse along the Pangkajene River, South Sulawesi

Yoshikazu Takaya
Tonan ajia kenkyu  
Landuse alon 皀 the Pangkajene River , South Sulawesi Yoshikazu TAKAYA * Wet −riCe CultiVatiOn in B 乱ntimUrung , a moun − tain village located on the upPer reaches of the Pangkajene river , is characterized by non ・ p ! ow cultivation in small swales surreunded b ア 1imestone cliffs . In Labakkang , a smal 】 town Iocated near the mouth of the same rivcr , the plow is a funda − mental tool for rice growing . Besides ricc culti − vati n , fish ・ raising and salt −making are important activities ,
more » ... is is an area where Ianduse{ s more or ユ ess commcrcialized . From the view po { nt of rice 一 culture geneology , Bantimurung ' s rice culture is gcnuine Nlalay, as indicated bア the practice of aPPocca , or preparing the soil by trampling , while that of Labakkang is characterized by many ele − ments of Indiall origin . South Sulawesi , s 乱 gric 匸II ・ ture can thus l)e seen as a combination of mountain agriculture , which is economic 乱 11y selfLcontained and culturally more Mala ア, and coastal agriculture , which is more market ・ oriented and more Ind { an in origin ,
doi:10.20495/tak.20.1_94 fatcat:n5ychnqjy5f6pc4x7jgis4l6py