The PV Potential of South Tyrol: An Intelligent Use of Space

David Moser, Daniele Vettorato, Roberto Vaccaro, Matteo Del Buono, Wolfram Sparber
2014 Energy Procedia  
Recently, the local government of South Tyrol, a province in the alpine area in the north of Italy, has defined the guidelines for an energy and climate package with targets for 2050 where it is stated that -The yearly CO 2 emission per capita will be reduced to less than 1.5 tons (less than 4 tons per capita by 2020 as intermediate target) -90% of the energy need will be covered by renewables (at least 75% by 2020 as intermediate target). The different technical aspects will be presented from
more » ... he use of existing solar cadastres and databases to statistical analysis based on the morphology of different urban contexts. The roof (and façade) potential will then be added to the potential from the above mentioned non-conventional surfaces with the final aim of providing a figure for PV potential that takes into account planning permissions, restrictions, structural limitations, current legislation, visual impact and costs.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.10.130 fatcat:qktnmeoki5a35h2cpruaotrxxi