Numerical Simulation Test of Scour around Offshore Jacket Structure using FLOW-3D

Dong Hui Ko, Shin Taek Jeong, Nam Sun Oh
2015 Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers  
As offshore structures such as offshore wind and offshore platforms have been installed frequently in ocean, scour effects are considered important. To test the scour effect, numerical simulation of scour has been carried out. However, the test was usually conducted under the uni-directional flow without bi-directional current flow in western sea of Korea. Thus, in this paper, numerical simulations of scour around offshore jacket substructure of HeMOSU-1 installed in western sea of Korea are
more » ... ducted using FLOW-3D. The conditions are uni-directional and bi-directional flow considering tidal current. And these results are compared to measured data. The analysis results for 10,000 sec show that under uni-directional conditions, maximum scour depth was about 1.32 m and under bidirectional conditions, about 1.44 m maximum scour depth occurred around the structure. Meanwhile, about 1.5~2.0 m scour depths occurred in field observation and the result of field test is similar to result under bi-directional conditions.
doi:10.9765/kscoe.2015.27.6.373 fatcat:yipkhnikj5fwdpuof6pw45anc4