Psychological Adaptation of Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Shaded Green Spaces in Malaysia

Rabiatul Adawiyah Nasir, Sabarinah Sh Ahmad, Azni Zain Ahmed
2012 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This study clarifies the perceptive and adaptive mechanisms involved in outdoor thermal comfort. The method of the study was through microclimate measurement coupled with systematic interviews of urban park users to identify the impacts of weather and personal factors on respondents sensation estimations. The findings on the perceptions of outdoor urban places are discussed. This study shows the respondents' thermal adaptation from physiological and psychological perspectives. The significance
more » ... f the findings showed the importance of a sustainable urban park for continued use by future communities.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.12.273 fatcat:roqazy64lfdjpaszcctozwwtuq