QCD analysis of D-parameter in near-to-planar three-jet events

Andrea Banfi, Giuseppe Marchesini, Yuri L Dokshitzer, Giulia Zanderighi
2001 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We present the QCD analysis of D-parameter distribution in near-to-planar 3-jet e+e- annihilation events. We derive the all-order resummed perturbative prediction and the leading power suppressed non-perturbative corrections both to the mean value and the distribution. Here non-perturbative corrections are larger than in 2-jet shape observables, so that higher order non-perturbative effects could be relevant. Experimental data (not yet available) are needed in order to cast light on this
more » ... nt point. The technique we develop aims at improving the accuracy of the theoretical description of multi-jet ensembles, in particular in hadron-hadron collisions.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2001/05/040 fatcat:xu5h6uexnze53jx3m7w445reeu