Tetyana Holubenko, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine, Iryna Polishchuk, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine
2021 European vector of development of the modern scientific researches  
The article substantiates the purpose, stages, content, algorithm and methods of implementation. The entry of Ukrainian higher education into the European space determines the need for specialists with integrated specialties. The purpose of the article is to investigate the purposefulness of the formation of managerial competence in future professionals in the social sphere to ensure the educational and methodological process in higher education institutions. Methodology – general industry,
more » ... arch, information, diagnostic, subject methodical. Thus, there is a need to modernize professional and human resources. Therefore, the issue of scientific understanding of quality training of social workers in management, i.e., leadership of small and large groups of people, their ability to be highly qualified professionals with established managerial competence. Modern approaches to understanding the process of formation of managerial competence in future professionals in the social sphere, which is determined by the focus on the object of management, taking into account its specifics and the nature of development in the socio-educational environment. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the essence and content of the concept of "managerial competence" are revealed. The understanding of professional training as an important component of managerial competence of future specialists in the field of management is highlighted, in particular, that professional training is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities, mastery of which allows a person to work as a specialist or a skilled worker qualifications. The main purpose of the formation of managerial competence in future professionals in the social sphere is to achieve a high level of its main components and ensure the manageability of the educational and methodological process. Based on the analysis of pedagogical, methodological, philosophical research of the essence, content and structure of managerial competence in social specialists, the founders revealed as a component of professional competence of a social specialist, a dynamic integrated systemic education, which is manifested in management. In turn, management activity is the result of managerial training of a social worker to evaluate his or her professional activity. Professional training of future social professionals for management is a necessary component that requires clarification of the concept of "professional training of social professionals" in order to form managerial competence for effective performance of professional duties and opportunities for successful work in the chosen profession.
doi:10.30525/978-9934-26-077-3-11 fatcat:deym5rn4djb4vezkoveubvxpjq