An Analysis of Reading Miscues in Three Genres of English Texts for Junior High School Students

Ting-Fang K. Jin
2019 Studies in English Language Teaching  
The purpose of the present research is to compare and analyze eighth graders' English reading performance in the three different genres, including the Comparison/Contrast, the Process, and the Cause/Effect by reading miscue analysis. After the individual interview, the participants read the three different texts, and then retell the three texts. At last, through the reading miscue inventory (Goodman, Watson, & Burke, 1987), the participants' English oral reading miscues and retelling in these
more » ... ree different genres are analyzed and compared.According to the repeated measure ANOVA, there are two significant differences in the reading miscues in these three genres for the participants, including the meaning construction and the grammatical relationship of reading miscues. In terms of the retelling scores in these three different genres, there are also significant differences among these three different genres. On the other hand, according to the descriptive statistics, the participants get the best performance in the Cause/Effect, but they get the lowest retelling scores in the Comparison/Contrast.
doi:10.22158/selt.v7n3p308 fatcat:5pdfquf2ojglrbpynngjathmhe