Ultra-high-reflectivity photonic-bandgap mirrors in a ridge SOI waveguide

P Velha, J C Rodier, P Lalanne, J P Hugonin, D Peyrade, E Picard, T Charvolin, E Hadji
2006 New Journal of Physics  
Microcavities consisting of two identical tapered mirrors etched into silicon-on-insulator ridge waveguides are investigated for operation at telecommunication wavelengths. They offer very small modal volumes of approximately 0.6 (λ/n) 3 and calculated intrinsic Q factors of 400000. We have measured a Q factor of 8900 for a loaded cavity, in agreement with the theoretical value. In contrast to recent works performed on suspended membranes, the buried SiO 2 layer is not removed. The cavities
more » ... ess strong mechanical robustness, thus making them attractive from the viewpoint of integration in large systems. The cavity Q factor is much larger than those previously obtained for similar geometries on a substrate.
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/8/9/204 fatcat:stsslhorjfdjjfr24pzkqawq6q