Parteipolitik im Bundesrat [book]

Markus M. Müller, Roland Sturm, Patrick Finke, Antonios Souris
2020 unpublished
This new volume on the Bundesrat as institution and how it works is a groundbreaking study. For the first time empirical work focusses on the votes in the Bundesrat committees. More than 51.000 decisions are scrutinized to find out whether the hypothesis of a party politicization of the Bundesrat can be verified. Additional information is provided by interviews with practitioners and detailed case studies related to specific committees, such as the Finance Committee, and decision-making
more » ... es, including the legislative initiatives of the Bundesrat. The book also investigates the role of smaller parties in the Bundesrat and the importance of decision-making beyond party politics.
doi:10.5771/9783845294537 fatcat:vtje53kv7bgxpoxj7fdfvmcsty