Characteristic extraction of rolling bearing compound faults of aero-engine

Mingyue Yu, Zhigang Feng, Jiajing Huang, Yongtao Yu
2017 Journal of Vibroengineering  
Rolling bearing's fault mode usually shows compound faults in aero-engine. The compound faults characteristics are more complex than single one, and many signal analysis methods have rather great limitation for compound fault characteristic extraction which leads to the difficulty to monitor the running state of rolling bearing in aero-engine. Based on above analysis, a method of combining wavelet transform with cyclostationary theory, autocorrelation function and Hilbert transform is proposed
more » ... nd applied to extract characteristic frequency of rolling bearing from compound faults mode only according to single-channel vibration acceleration signal of aero-engine. Meanwhile, a consideration is given to the influence of sensor installation position, compound fault types in the extraction of compound faults characteristics. The result indicates that the proposed new method can effectively monitor rolling bearing running state in four different compound fault modes just according to single-channel vibration acceleration signal no matter sensors are installed in horizontal or vertical direction.
doi:10.21595/jve.2017.18612 fatcat:wntmx6hlrncjhkdtnkbk7qaboe