Effect of coalescence and redispersion on suspension polymerization of styrene in a continuous stirred tank reactor

1981 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan  
Figure 3 shows this variation of m calculated by the linear least square regression of the theoretical results for each a in the range of0<J?5<0.99. As is seen in Fig. 3 , when a<0.l9 m can be approximated by 2/3, as for the ordinary grain model. However, m increases with increase in a and becomes as large as 1.5. When g is about 0.5, m becomes 1, which corresponds to uniform conversion1}. Nomenclature /(r) = density function of a size distribution [-] m = reaction order in solid reactant [-] t
more » ... = reaction time [min] XB = extent of conversion of a grain [-] XB = average conversion of a particle [-] e = t/v . [-] £ = ln(r/r)/* [-] a = standard deviation of a size distribution [-] r = complete conversion time of a grain [min] v = mean of the complete conversion time of grains [min] Fig. 3 Reaction order m increasing with increase ina Literature Cited 1) Kimura, S., J. Nakagawa, S. Tone, and T.
doi:10.1252/jcej.14.493 fatcat:vgbmiu7ktvcchn4lqw22vvmpji