Shards & Scraps: A reflection on personal connections to glass vessels and food [thesis]

Sarah Ann Godfrey
I would like to thank my committee chair, Brenda Jones, and my committee members, Johnny DiBlasi, and Barbara Haas, for their guidance and support throughout the course of this research. To Clark Colby and April Eisman, thank you for your help and support over the last 2-3 years with my research and coursework. In addition, I would also like to thank my friends, colleagues, the department faculty, and staff for making my time at Iowa State University a memorable experience. Lastly, thank you to
more » ... my friends and family who have been a wonderful support while I developed this body of work.
doi:10.31274/etd-20200624-145 fatcat:ng5aw7g6bvcjfmvmpmtpyj5fyu