Distribution Prediction Correction Based on the Analysis of Job/Housing Balance between Old and New Districts

Tao Li, Hai Yan
2017 Open Journal of Applied Sciences  
The cities of China are in the period of rapid development of urbanization. The practical problems, which faced by urban traffic planning, include an effective prediction for the traffic volume. This paper, combining the example of Cangzhou's traffic planning, analyzes the differences on land use between the new and the old district, including its influence to the residents. It also analyzes the relationship of travel features and the coefficient of job/housing balance in the new and the old
more » ... trict; furthermore, it corrects the result of traditional gravity model by using balance's coefficient. Through this study, we find that the corrected model deals with the problem of travel forecasting's deviation, which is closer to the physic truth. In the meanwhile, we suggested paying more attention to the relationship of land use and housing/jobs in the district plan, in this way, it will reduce the traffic demand radically and optimize the traffic structure.
doi:10.4236/ojapps.2017.72006 fatcat:qahgaap67ndjxb3rk6fg52jgje