Additional file 6 of Amniotic fluid cell-free transcriptome: a glimpse into fetal development and placental cellular dynamics during normal pregnancy [stub]

Adi Tarca, Roberto Romero, Roger Pique-Regi, Percy Pacora, Bogdan Done, Marian Kacerovsky, Gaurav Bhatti, Sunil Jaiman, Sonia Hassan, Chaur-Dong Hsu, Nardhy Gomez-Lopez
2020 Figshare  
Additional file 6: Figure S6. Correlation of expression changes with maternal obesity between studies. Each dot represents a unique annotated gene. The y axis represents the log2 fold change (obese/lean) obtained in the current study. The x-axis represents the log2 expression of 182 genes detected as present in the current study among those reported as differentially expressed with obesity by Edlow et al. [99]. R: Spearman's correlation coefficient
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.11846214 fatcat:bpqvgfwyz5dgzjujc2u23blmv4