Corneal Collagen Cross-linking in Infective Keratitis

Shiji Ummar
2016 International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases  
Purpose of review: To summarize the current understanding of effects of cross-linking (CXL) in infective keratitis based on available evidence. Method of literature search: A PubMed search was conducted with combinations not limited to the following search terms: corneal collagen CXL, riboflavin, ultraviolet A, keratoconus, microbial keratitis, fungal keratitis, bacterial keratitis, Acantha moeba keratitis. A review of the search results was performed and relevant articles to the topic were
more » ... uded. Summary: Most of the published literature showed promising results in treatment of infectious keratitis by corneal collagen CXL using photoactivated riboflavin as an adjuvant therapy but with questionable efficacy in deep keratitis due to slowgrowing organisms.
doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10025-1115 fatcat:76wglcxydnhvpjtlcvqk3e5kzi