Concurrent execution of transactions in a peer-to-peer database network

Mehedi Masud, Sultan Aljahdali
2011 International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems  
Transaction execution in a peer-to-peer database network specifies an update made to a peer's instance is applied to the peer's local database and propagated to related peers. Maintaining a successful execution of a transaction in such a network is challenging due to the dynamic behaviour of peers and unstructured topologies of networks. In this paper, we present a decentralised transaction execution process that guarantees the correct execution of a transaction without relying on any global
more » ... rdinator. In the network, a peer executes a transaction and provides the local execution information to the initiator of the transaction. The initiator of a transaction plays important roles for the successful execution and termination of a transaction. Transactions originated from different peers may involve in a conflict during their execution in the network. In this paper, we also show a process to resolve conflicts using a universal leader election algorithm, called Mega-Merger. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Masud, M. and Aljahdali, S. (2011) 'Concurrent execution of transactions in a peer-to-peer database network', Int.
doi:10.1504/ijiids.2011.042534 fatcat:ust6mxwoxjdntgwao2qw7yngci