Design and Analysis of High Volume Low Speed Fan (HVLS) for Room Size 24m x24m x 18m x

Pushpesh Singh et al., Pushpesh Singh et al.,, TJPRC
2020 International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development  
Fans are playing a major role around the globe for effective and pocket friendly cooling, especially in the region of Asia where humidity is high. Thermal comfort being one of the most important factors for improvement in working environment for better quality of work. Moving of air around the body helps sweat evaporation and makes body feel comfortable. Mixing of air from top to bottom of the area so as to neutralise the change in temperature is done by fans effectively than any other means.
more » ... sertification of air is the biggest problem faced in any enclosed area which can be rectified by using fans. HVLS fans are one of the effective ways of moving air in bigger spaces like big warehoused, railway stations, hotels, offices and many more. They are one of the major contributors of improving quality of work in a workplace. Study of air movement caused by the existing traditional fans and comparing it with the larger HVLS fans in the same area results in using HVLS fans for bigger spaces. High volume low speed fans generate larger column of air and horizontal floor jets resulting in thermal comfort in the vicinity. Designing and simulating the ceiling and HVLS fans to know the air movement caused by them virtually. Considering the optimum design parameters for the best thermal comfort and comparing the results with the real tools outside in the world.
doi:10.24247/ijmperdjun20201213 fatcat:uuiaoh5fenbtla3iejrbr6i7qq