Modeling of connection elements in static and dynamic analysis

C. Azoury
2012 Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research  
The paper presents a proposal to create a new 1D linear finite element to substitute the 3D finite model of connection elements. The study is conducted on a simple small frame. First, a 3D model is constructed, followed by the construction of an equivalent 2D one. Firstly, we start with the static analysis; the results of the many proposed 1D element models are compared with the results of the 2D model. Secondly, we perform a dynamic analysis of the frame. It will be shown that with a special
more » ... eatment of the connection elements, the results of the static and the dynamic analyses of the new 1D finite element model agree well with the results of the 2D model. i.e, with the 3D model.
doi:10.5897/jmer11.089 fatcat:xrqpi3d2sva7ni5egimjnwiwru