Unearthing the genes of plant-beneficial marine yeast - Wickerhamomyces anomalus strain MSD1 [article]

Radhesh Subramanian Krishnan, Prabhakaran Narayanasamy, Sengali Ragunath Kumaravel, Srinivasan Radhakrishnan, Keerthana Ponni, Lakshmi Narayanan, K Latha
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
The de novo genome of unique marine yeast, Wickerhamomyces anomalus isolated from seaweed along Indian coast is presented. The genome assembly was carried out using MaSurCA assembler that generated a data size ~14.3 mb from short and long reads obtained from Illumina Hiseq 4000 and GridION-X5 respectively. This assembled genome data were used for predicting genes using Augustus gene prediction tool that reported 6720 genes and proteins. The gene sequences were used to unravel the metabolic
more » ... ay analysis using KAAS database. The protein sequences were used for secondary analysis to predict the presence of signal peptides using SignalP tool, predicting protein family, domains using Pfam tool and prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins using TMHMM tool. Presence of genes involved in plant growthpromotion and regulation (PGPR) including siderophore and IAA production, iron and sulfur transformation, zinc and phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, synthesis of anti-bacterial and volatile organic compound (VOCs), were assigned. Additionally, acid and alkaline phosphatases, ACC deaminases and lytic enzymes such as -glucanases, proteases and chitinases involved in pathogen suppression, are also reported. The study elucidates comprehensive understanding of PGP attributes of MSD1 and its potential use in agriculture as bio-fertilizer /bio-stimulant.
doi:10.1101/2020.12.22.424010 fatcat:v7idovw2gjhe5otxrubf52faxq