Bioactive Encapsulation for Military Food Applications: Request for Enhanced Nano and Micro Particle Fabrication and Characterization Facilities [report]

David McClements
2016 unpublished
Final Report a. REPORT 14. ABSTRACT 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: The purpose of this project was to establish state-of-the art facilities to develop nanoparticle and microparticle encapsulation systems for bioactive components that may improve soldier performance, e.g., nutrient delivery systems or antimicrobial delivery systems. As part of the project we purchased facilitates to fabricate nanoparticles (spray drying unit) and equipment to characterize the powders produced (freeze drying,
more » ... tter coating, and scanning electron microscopy). During the course of the project we have developed a wide range of nanoparticle and microparticle delivery systems that can be used to encapsulate, protect, and release bioactive components, 2. REPORT TYPE 17. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT 15. NUMBER OF PAGES 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER ABSTRACT Number of Papers published in peer-reviewed journals: Number of Papers published in non peer-reviewed journals: The purpose of this project was to establish state-of-the art facilities to develop nanoparticle and microparticle encapsulation systems for bioactive components that may improve soldier performance, e.g., nutrient delivery systems or antimicrobial delivery systems. As part of the project we purchased facilitates to fabricate nanoparticles (spray drying unit) and equipment to characterize the powders produced (freeze drying, sputter coating, and scanning electron microscopy). During the course of the project we have developed a wide range of nanoparticle and microparticle delivery systems that can be used to encapsulate, protect, and release bioactive components, including biopolymer complexes, protein nanoparticles, lipid nanoparticles, and microgels. For example, we have encapsulated natural antimicrobials (such as essential oils and polylysine), vitamins (vitamin A, D, and E), and nutraceuticals (curcumin, betacarotene, w-3 fatty acids, polyphenols, and Coenzyme Q10). Vitamins and nutraceuticals may promote soldier performance, whereas antimicrobials may be used to improve the shelf life and safety of rations. (a) Papers published in peer-reviewed journals (N/A for none) Enter List of papers submitted or published that acknowledge ARO support from the start of the project to the date of this printing. List the papers, including journal references, in the following categories: (b) Papers published in non-peer-reviewed journals (N/A for none) (c) Presentations
doi:10.21236/ad1008500 fatcat:rxnaaefzbvbrtdjcvq76shfhui