Paraphrases of verbal multiword expressions: the case of Czech light verbs and idioms [chapter]

Petra Barančíková, Václava Kettnerová
2018 Zenodo  
In this chapter, we deal with two types of Czech verbal MWEs: light verb constructions and verbal idiomatic constructions. Many verbal MWEs are characterized by the possibility of being paraphrased by single words. We explore paraphrasability of Czech verbal MWEs by single verbs in a semiautomatic experiment using word embeddings. Further, we propose a lexicographic representation of the obtained paraphrases enriched with morphological, syntactic and semantic information. We demonstrate one of
more » ... ts practical application in a machine translation experiment.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1469552 fatcat:vubmbbbrkjafpi5zvfiyuac4se