The Type and Reliable Predictors of Motivation: A Case of Iranian EAP Learners

M Badeleh, M Enayat, M Badeleh, H Yanesari
2017 International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies   unpublished
The study examined the type and relevant predictors of motivation among Iranian EAP students. The moderating variables of gender, educational degree, time spent at university, average high school GPA, and average university GPA were examined. For this purpose, Gardner's Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) was taken from 441 Iranian EAP students. The results indicated that a) the students were highly motivated, but this motivation was mostly extrinsic rather than intrinsic, b) gender did not
more » ... act as a significant moderating variable in students' motivation, c) the educational degree could predict the type of students' motivation such that students studying for higher degrees had more intrinsic motivation, d) the time spent at university could not predict the type of students' motivation, and e) the EAP students' average high school GPA could predict their intrinsic motivation while their university GPA could not do so for any of the types.