Inelastic deformation behavior of thermal barrier coatings exposed at a high-temperature environment

M. Arai, X. Wu
2010 EPJ Web of Conferences  
Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are usually deposited onto the surface of the high-temperature component such as gas turbine, in order to protect it from a hightemperature environment. Coating stress generated by such a high-temperature brings serious damages in TBCs in service. For predicting numerically it, it is necessary to develop the constitutive equation suite to plasam-sprayed TBCs. Previous studies have made clear that the freestanding ceramic coat peeled from TBC coated substrate
more » ... ms nonlinearly with a mechanical loading, however the results there have been restricted to the test done using as-sprayed sample. In this study, effect of deposition parameter and high-temperature exposure condition on stress-strain curve of the freestanding ceramic coating sample was examined. The associated deformation process was discussed with the microstructure changes observed after performing a bending test for the exposed sample.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20100626010 fatcat:dtjhl3aptbeddayfsquzwgfgz4