Towa phrase structure

Beatrice Jane Myers
1970 Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session  
This is a stu.dy o:f the phrase structu:re of Towa which is a Tanoan language spoken in the 1)1:teblo of Jemez, in New Mexico. There are four types of phrases in T01mo These are noun, verb, locaticm. and timeo Each is studied in some detail u.sin.g me:'r.crials from approximately 200 pages of texts. Examples of each phrase type are included along 1-rith a specification of the obligator;y and optional components of each. The analytical framework is that developed by Kcmneth L. Pikeo The
more » ... gy of conven-tional gram.mar has been used instead of the vocabulary introduced by a particular school of linguiotic theory. One reason is that intelligibility to Towa speakers is a requirement. A pronunciation guide, vocabu..lary list and three texts are included. vi
doi:10.31356/silwp.vol14.10 fatcat:7dl7xoe7jner7mayfw4bfndgty