Study of a Convective Heat Transfer, Modelling and Prediction in 2-D Nozzle for Compressible Flow

B. Dharshan
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
The increase in the quantification of all critical variables involved in the construction of a nozzle has led to the increase in the number of trial and error during the experiments. At this stage, the rapid growth in the field of computational science has made construction of flow related models, using modern computer languages and mathematical models efficient and accurate. The study here involves modelling of 3 bi-laterally symmetrical, variable throat-to-inlet diameter ratio nozzles,
more » ... ng the flow through the nozzle and simultaneously performing a grid independent study to compare the corresponding variation in the parameters using ANSYS Fluent. The later stage involves exporting the output variables obtained to an open source, statistical computing program known as R-Studio. Using the pre-defined built in function and the imported data, the prediction and optimization is formulated on 3 different types of nozzle.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.2015 fatcat:huiwrtvyhrawlfexaoi3jqeisu