Effects of Waste Rubber and Glass Fiber Modified Bitumen on Asphalt Concrete Performance
Atık Lastik ve Cam Lif ile Modifiye Edilmiş Bitümün Asfalt Betonu Performansına Etkileri

Zeynel Baran Yıldırım, Murat Karacasu, Derviş Volkan Okur
2018 Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering  
The increase in industrial wastes left to nature together with the advancing technology causes serious harm both to the environment and to human health.The quantity of waste materials increase by time and storing getting difficult. In recent years, research has been conducted on the reusability of waste materials incivil engineering works. The use of wastes as recycling material is used as a contribution in the content of bitumen which constitutes a great majority of the cost of asphalt
more » ... in road constructions as well as in many areas. In this study, the effects of modified bitumen containing waste rubber and glass fiber on the performance characteristics of asphalt concrete were examined at certain ratios. By using the modified bitumen with these materials, specimens were obtained with Marshall design and the results were evaluated. When the test results are examined; It was observed that the modified specimens had a smaller amount of Marshall stability. However, all specimens meet the required standard conditions. In this way, both environmental wastes are evaluated and sustainable life is ensured.
doi:10.5578/fmbd.67707 fatcat:xz3pmtodvbcwpjoxlidls5kxsa