Treatise of angular distributions of 3He elastic scattering from stable Selenium isotopes

Zehra Merve CİNAN, Ahmet Hakan YILMAZ, Burcu EROL
2019 Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology  
Angular distributions of 3 He elastic scattering reactions from stable Selenium isotopes have systematically calculated within the theoretical framework. Optical-model parameters for Woods-Saxon real and imaginary volume potentials have been used to illustrate the data. The corresponding ratios to Rutherford scattering and relevant barrier distributions of elastic scattering cross-sections have attained from 0⁰ to 180⁰. The theoretical calculations shed light on a well-rounded definition of the empricial angular distribution data.
doi:10.17678/beuscitech.633029 fatcat:pjtcb7yc2zgy7hzq3xwjjaee3a