Organizational and Competitive Intelligence: Proposal for an Integrated Framework for Business Competitiveness

Orandi Mina Falsarella, Celeste Aída Sirotheau Corrêa Jannuzzi
2019 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
In a competitive environment, the use of information and Organizational and Competitive Intelligence (OCI) should be adopted by organizations as a strategy to seek a competitive advantage. In this context, new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as well as the improvement of current ones, and the need for organizations to remain economically, socially and environmentally sustainable, also add value to business strategies, making organizations more competitive. The objective thus of
more » ... this work is to propose an integrated framework composed of guidelines, based on the concepts of OCI, ICT, and Sustainability, which can be used by organizations in the search for competitive advantage. The study is characterized as exploratory research and the data collection is based on a literature review. As a result, six guidelines that make up the proposed integrated framework are presented and exemplified.
doi:10.30845/ijhss.v9n5p9 fatcat:tseeo5cqh5d5raajhtqzk2dgqy