Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: prognostic factors

Denise Rabelo da Silveira, Vanessa Prado dos Santos, Aline Faria Lamaita, Henrique Jorge Guedes Neto, Alvaro Razuk Filho, Valter Castelli Jr., Roberto Augusto Caffaro
2005 Jornal Vascular Brasileiro  
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prognostic factors related to the mortality of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. METHOD: Seventy-two patients who suffered ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and were operated in the period between 1976 and 2000 by the Vascular Surgery Unit of the Santa Casa de São Paulo - School of Medical Sciences were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: The descriptive analysis of the data shows a mean age of 67.93 years, with a standard deviation of 11.58, 32% female and 68% male.
more » ... Of the total number, 28% had a previous history of aneurysm and 72% were not aware of the disease. Mean systolic blood pressure during hospital admission was 96.53 mmHg. Pain was present in 100% of the patients, as well as throbbing abdominal mass. In 93% of the cases the location of the aneurysm rupture was the retroperitoneum, 4% in the duodenum, and 2% in the free peritoneum. CONCLUSION: The prognostic factors related to mortality and morbidity that demonstrated statistical significance were: age, initial blood pressure at hospital admission, diuresis during surgery, volume infused, and creatinine levels.
doi:10.1590/s1677-54492005000400004 fatcat:g5ip43uqxbbf7o6xgkhqj43h3u