Destruction of Patriarchal Society by Nu Shu in Snow Flower and Secret Fan

Xingjie Du
2021 Theory and Practice in Language Studies  
Lisa See's Snow Flower and Secret Fan is set in Emperor Taoguang period-late Qing Dynasty that is featured by patriarchal society. One of typical features of the patriarchal society is that the male is the center of everything, while the female is in a disadvantaged position, which is clearly shown in the novel. However, Laotong–a kind of woman's friendship in the novel can be regarded as a sort of female rebellion to the patriarchal society. They communicate with each other in a special way
more » ... t men have no access to, which in a way wins more space for women in feudal society in which men always are in dominated position in terms of social status in family or society. The paper is going to discuss how this nu shu narrative destructs the patriarchal society and strives for more space for women, breaking the yoke of man's gaze and power.
doi:10.17507/tpls.1101.11 fatcat:2vzu6jl6a5cyhhjqdmv43e3buy