A Medieval Bishop's Palace in Milicz: 3D Reconstruction as a Method of a Research Hypotheses Presentation

Justyna Kolenda, Małgorzata Markiewicz
2017 Studies in Digital Heritage  
As a result of the intensive development of multimedia 3D visualizations of various kinds of historically, artistically or scientifically valuable objects became standard at the beginning of the 21st century. What triggered the construction of three-dimensional visualizations was the will to protect the cultural heritage – especially historical monuments which are in ruins and exposed to further destruction – as well as the need to disseminate the information about such objects not only among
more » ... e small group of specialists. Another reason of that is to verify the existing proposals of reconstructions or research hypotheses. The bishop's palace in Milicz was probably built in the late thirteenth or early fourteenth century. It was a brick building referring to the type of layout of princely buildings known in Silesia. Erection of the building in Milicz was connected with the creation of the Church castellany in this area. Visualisation of the oldest phase of the bishop's palace in Milicz is part of the project: Regni custodiam et clavem – Santok and clavis regni Poloniae – Milicz as an example of two border towns, implemented by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and financed from the funds of the National Program for the Development of Humanities for the years 2011-2017 (number 11H 11 0184 80). Virtual reconstructions were based on the analysis and interpretation of source materials, in accordance with the guidelines contained in the London Charter. The purpose of the visualization is to introduce residents of Milicz and tourists to history of the building and, in the long run, to take steps by local authorities towards preservation and revitalization of the bishop's palace.
doi:10.14434/sdh.v1i2.23458 fatcat:kicsjxfrunavfkeuys6sm37vv4